“We are Dedicated to delivering the highest quality products and services that provide the best value to our customers; Meet our customers’ expectations with motivated and trained personnel, equipment, and facilities necessary to execute the effort; and Instill pride in our strong relationships with past and current customers.“
Mission Statement

Murtech Incorporated is a Veteran-Owned Small Business that supports the military and federal government with expertise in areas such as, life cycle logistics, systems engineering, environmental engineering, marine construction, and chemical/biological defense.
Murtech was formed to provide key customers with quality rapid engineering and logistics support that reduces the time to field high performance products in a changing environment. Murtech is the “Go-to” firm for performance.

Murtech’s approach in supporting our customer’s requirements is through a multi-disciplined effort executed through application of our six core strengths:
Agile Management
Successful Collaboration
Flexible Response
Transparent Communication
Technical Competency
Operational Proficiency
Our Quality Promise
“To achieve Customer satisfaction by using our technical proficiencies to build quality into products and services we deliver, by meeting or exceeding Customer requirements and by continuously improving our Quality Management System.”